- simple installation without the help of paid professionals
- small hardware requirements
- up to 2 years protecion period (witha free modyfications)
- validation of data input (verification of NIPs, bank accounts etc.)
- fast nad convenient data archiving
- wide user rights system
- automated data exchange between Application modules
- full program support with function keys
- intuitive navigation
- customizing the appearance of the sysyem to indyvidual tastes
- save list and documents in various formats
- automation of multiple functions (e-declarations, SMS, e-mail, definition of shipping letters, etc.)
Among the sales modules in Aplikacja Ramzes you will find an easy to use invoicing system as well as comprehensive program for warehouse management, ordering and picking. All systems cooperate with fiscal devices and external systems (InPost, courier, SMS Center, online shops, etc.)
Depending on the type of your business in Aplikacja Ramzes there is simplified or full accounting. Each of these systems will allow you to easily and quickly fulfill tax obligations, send declarations (also electronic), analyze your costs and revenue, automatically retriever data from Depreciation, Payroll and Sales Systems (Also autside the Aplikacja Ramzes).
In Aplikacja Ramzes Payroll you will lead the staff of employees working on different types of contracts with respect to historical data. Comprehensively settle them and your liabilities to ZUS and US; you will pay the payroll and you will pay them through homebanking; you willl connect with the Payer and you will use the electronic declaration.
Easy to use invoicing system without storage. Works with fiscal devices and external systems to facilitate sales. Offered in three different functional versions.
*) Lifetime cost (net) of the basic license; for a maximum of 2 years free modification.
Intuitive and secure program for easy maintenance of simplified accounting. Allows for complete settlement with the US; optionally also via e-declarations. Imports invoices - also from external systems - significantly speed up the process of their records.
*) Lifetime cost (net) of the basic license; for a maximum of 2 years free modification.
An extensive system for staffing with historical data and payroll. Works with Payer, electronic banking and (optional) e-declarations. Proce varied depending on the number of employees.
*) Lifetime cost (net) of the basic license; for a maximum of 2 years free modification.
Call: 22 460 5 490
Sales service suite for a non-stock company or service company. Includes invoicing, payments and cash withdrawals and debt monitoring. Includes a bookkeeping module - a tax book of income and expenses, including automatic depreciation of fixed assets (records up to 5 funds).
*) Lifetime cost (net) of the basic license; for a maximum of 2 years free modification.
Set to run trading company running a magazinie. Enables full service for orders, purchases and sales; cash trading and liabilities and receivables in three positions. It also includes full bookkeeping along with settlement and depreciation of fixed assets (no limit funds) and payroll and cadres (up to 5 employees).
*) Lifetime cost (net) of the basic license; for a maximum of 2 years free modification.
Set up for Accountig Office for a specific number of taxpayer and 5 operators; Allows all types ofaccounting and depreciation; support sending e-declarations and downloading UPO. The sales module allows to issue invoices on behalf to your customers ; customers can get the Ramzes-Sales for 10zl.
*) Lifetime cost (net) of the basic license; for a maximum of 2 years free modification.
Even two years is a protection period after the purchase of the program, under which we provide after-sales support.
Up to 2 years e-modification for free, it means the right to download new versions of the program from the website. e-Modifications include both functional enhancements and legislative changes.
After purchasing the program you can particiate for free in the Training Consultancy. As part of pur on-line meetings aour specialists will answer your quastions about the program.
For each newly purchased program we add a free Warranty Package of Service Advice to use for telephone and e-mail consultations.
In Aplikacja Ramzes changes to the JPK file you receive within e-Modification!
Recall, according to the Act of 10 September 2015 amending the Tax Law Ordinance (Journal of Laws of 2005, item 1649), entrepreneurs from 1 July 2016 (computer-based accounting) are obliged to ship monthly VAT registers and a set of detailed data at the request of the inspection body. Depending on the size of the business, this obligation may be postponed. And so - small and medium-sized entrepreneurs will only cover it from 1 January 2017 in the monthly dispatch of VAT registers. Micro entrepreneurs must be ready until January 2018.
Details: 22 460 5 490.
Download the demo of Aplikacja Ramzes
Install and test for 65 days
- download demo (remember that anti-virus protection may block download of the .exe file) and install it on a server or workstation.
- test the system for 65 days (counting the difference between the first and last documentation data).
- enter test or real data depending on whether you intend to remove the program after the test or continue working on this database after you purchase the system.
See Aplikacja Ramzes just now
Test the program through your browser
- you will get access to the demo version right after you submit your application
- testing time is up to logout
- during testing you can use data entered into the program
- WARNING! Due to remote access this testing mode is different fron the desktop version, but the functional range of the system is the same
Place your order via the online form and pay the pro forma sent to you
Get the e-mail with registration code and load the program key
Take part in the free training and master the application quickly
Enjoy the privilages you receive during the warranty and pas-warranty period after purchase the program
MAY 31, 2017
We invite you to read Gazeta Finansowa
MAY 31, 2017
We invite you to read Gazeta Finansowa
In the last issue of Gazeta Finansowa, the raport ""Turbines of the Polish Economy 2017" was published. On this occasion our CEO, Grażyna Sroczyńska was asked to outline his view on the direction of change in the software market. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this and other interesting texts accompanying the ranking of Gazeta Finansowa.
June 21, 2017
Important changes in Aplikacja Ramzes and SaldeoSMART
June 21, 2017
Important changes in Aplikacja Ramzes and SaldeoSMART
We invite you to a webinar dedicated to the important functionality of our systems. This time we will focus mainly on Aplikacja Ramzes and financial and accounting systems and payroll and human resources system. We will also take a short moment to SaldeoSMART to gest your attention on interesting solutions. The meeting will be led by specialists in support of this products: Bogusław Hutniczak, Małgorzata Przytuła-Sak i Justyna Patynowska.
A webinars meeting will be held on June 30th at 10am. It will take about 2,5 hours. Participation in the cnference is free; registration is compulsory.
February 27, 2017
AURA Technologies Sp. z o.o. "Solid Company 2016"
February 27, 2017
AURA Technologies Sp. z o.o. "Solid Company 2016"
We are pleased to annouce that we have received the "Solid Company 2016" certyficate, which was officially handed over on Friday, February 25th.
The distinction is awarded under Solidna Firm's consumer-economic program and confirmm our credibility as a business partner.
Winners of the Program are selected through a three-step verification process and include: timely settlements with contractors and employees; timely payment of taxes, duties, claims on ZUS, lease payments and credit receivables; lack of judgments in cases of unpaid dues; compliance with labor and safety regulations; obeying consumer rights and timely fulfillment of our complaint obligations.
The award is very pleased and motivates us to continue working.
September 8, 2016
enova365 IT Leader in the ERP Trends category
September 8, 2016
enova365 IT Leader in the ERP Trends category
We are pleased to announce that the enova365 system has received IT Leader 2016 award in the ERP Trends category! The aword ceremony took place during IT Future Awards at the IT Future Expo at the National Stadium in Warsaw.
11 sierpnia 2017
Zapraszamy na wrześniową edycję Darmowych Konsultacji Szkoleniowych
11 sierpnia 2017
Zapraszamy na wrześniową edycję Darmowych Konsultacji Szkoleniowych
Zapraszamy na nowy cykl spotkań: Darmowe Konsultacje Szkoleniowe. Są to webinaria dedykowane dla nowych użytkowników Aplikacji Ramzes / Ramzesa-OnLine, którzy nabyli nowy program od czerwca br.
sprzedaż i magazyn: 6 września
płace - kadry: 7 września
systemy księgowe: 8 września
Start: 10:00
Podczas spotkania odpowiemy na wcześniej zgłoszone przez Państwa pytania dotyczące obsługi nowo zakupionych programów. Prosimy wskazać je na formularzu zgłoszeniowym lub przesłać mailem.
Podczas spotkania nie będziemy prezentować szczegółowo działania programu według scenariusza typowego szkolenia.
Zasady udziału
Dla nabywców programów Aplikacji Ramzes / Ramzes-OnLine od czerwca 2017 udział w spotkaniu jest nieodpłatny. Z uwagi na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc, konieczne jest zgłoszenie udziału najpóźniej dwa dni przed terminem spotkania. Natomiast pytania prosimy przesyłać wcześniej, najpóźniej 5 dni roboczych przez spotkaniem.
Spotkanie odbywa się w trybie online; wymaga komputera z dostępem do Internetu z głośnikami lub słuchawkami.
Przed spotkaniem zapoznaj się z materiałami edukacyjnymi prezentującymi działania zakupionych programów: instrukcjami obsługi oraz filmami instruktażowymi. To warunek owocnego przebycia szkolenia.